Research, Educate, Reclaim

Help us

Protect Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Promote Human Health and Well-Being

Conserve Natural Resources like Soil and Water

Prevent Green House Gas Emissions

Prevent Safety Risks

"What I love most about working with TOWC is being surrounded by people who are committed to making a difference in our communities. The experts and volunteers of the Cooperative are devoted to making positive impacts on our environment and prioritizing the health of our land for future generations."

Kennedy Metcalf


Our priorization process

Human Health & Well Being + Natural Resource Conservation

Social Vulnerability

  • High Relative Social Vulnerability Index per ATSDR-CDC
  • High Relative Unemployment Rate per BLS State Employment and Unemployment

Access to Resources

  • Designated Medically Underserved Areas per HRSA
  • High Relative Food Insecurity Rate per Feeding America ‘Map the Meal Gap’ Food Insecurity Rate

Public Lands

  • Located within One Mile of a Public School
  • Located within a State or National Park

Climate Impact

  • EPA designated Non-Attainment Area
  • FEMA designated 100-year flood plain

Resource Protection

  • Located within One-Half (1/2) Mile of Water per USGS National Hydrography Dataset

Species Preservation

  • USFWS threatened of endangered species

Our mission is to research and reclaim orphaned oil and gas wells, bridging the gap between the past and solutions for our future.

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Common questions

Orphan oil and gas wells no longer have an operator to maintain or remediate them and have become the responsibility of state, federal, or tribal governments.

There are a variety of ways these wells are left behind; from lack of proper paperwork to decline in operator resources. Whatever the reason, there are far more un-identified orphan wells than anyone is currently able to document.

As these wells age, they can pose risks to human health and well-being and threaten our natural resources.
If you have a non-producing oil and gas well on your property, give us a call and we can help determine its status.
Give us a call and we will direct you to the proper regulatory agency to report an orphan well.
Yes, all oil and gas wells can be dangerous and should be avoided without proper training, safety equipment, etc…
The first step is to report the well. We can help you do so AND start it on the road to being plugged!